Embeded fonts inside the scroll bar does not work - helppppppppp

hey guys,

can somebody help me with embedding fonts?

I made one scroll bar and inside the scroll bar is a font (pixel font) I have downloaded from the net (SW!FT_V01). and i’ve read in the forum that to embed you have to click the dynamic text and and click the characters, and I chose all characters. then I pressed ok.

I uploaded my swf file to my site and then when i checked it to another PC that does not have the fonts i have used, it shows the default fonts. I attached my fla file so please if you have time to check it, then tell me what have i done wrong. Please do correct me.

And one more thing, in the scroll bar, like inside the dynamic text field, can i attached an image? Like when I scroll it, it also scrolls the image.

I’d really appreciate your help.



you must to do :
Panel > caracter >options de caractères>>Integrer les contours de police>All the caracters

I think the way you said how you did it is correct. I’m at work so I can’t look at your fla, but I will later to make sure. I would just try the process again of selecting the dynamic text field and hit Character - Embed All Characters. Sometimes I have to do things a couple times for it to work.

As for the picture in your text box - nope, can’t do it. You can put an image behind the text, but it won’t scroll with the text.

You didn’t embed the characters. The box wasn’t checked. Look into that. As for the image scrolling: you could place the image along with the text in a movieclip and then scroll that movieclip (I think you can do that using a component also, the ScrollPane I thought. I don’t use it though.)

*Originally posted by Voetsjoeba *
**You didn’t embed the characters. The box wasn’t checked. Look into that. As for the image scrolling: you could place the image along with the text in a movieclip and then scroll that movieclip (I think you can do that using a component also, the ScrollPane I thought. I don’t use it though.) **

I embed it again and post it just to see it if its working. pls check the site of www.sapupo.com/louie1.html. It doesn’t look good at all. Please make a comment on how to make this font look as the original.


I’ve seen this website and I like the font he used, and I hope someone can help me on how to make my font look so sharp like in this site. the site is raf.lavaland.net/flash.htm

really appreciate your help


I got a 404 :-\

Yeah, sapupo.com is a 404, but I cut and pasted the other one: (raf.lavaland.net/flash.htm) and they are using a pixel font. You can get those at http://fontsforflash.com. When you get one of these fonts, you have to set the static fonts coordinants on exact pixels (no 13.45 or 205.3 - has to be a whole number) - then it will come out that clear.

When I use other fonts in my flash stuff, if I go to small, it gets blurry because flash softens out the edges of the font. I have like five pixel fonts that I bought (actually bought three got two free) and I don’t use them too often. I just make the font bigger in size; that usually solves that problem for me.

And Voetsjoeba - Thank you for your support on your footer!! :stuck_out_tongue:

what do you mean by 404?

and i didn’t use a static font, i used that pixel font in a dynamic text field, because it requires when using a scoll bar. or maybe i made a mistake doing the scroll bar? you know, for the whole week now, I am trying to figure out what seems to be the problem. oh gosh…

maybe i’ll start from the beginning, do you know any link of how to do the scroll bar right?

can you tell me also if you happened to open my site, www.sapupo.com/louie1.html?

Originally posted by mrloo
what do you mean by 404?

404 Not Found

The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address. This status code is commonly used when the server does not wish to reveal exactly why the request has been refused, or when no other response is applicable.



You may also want to make sure that the dynamic text box is also resting on exact pixels. If that doesn’t do it, post a fla.

you mean the W & H?

No, what I mean is the X and Y. When you make your dynamic text box, in the properties panel, on the left side, there is a little display that reads width and highth; and right next to it is x and y. Make sure the x/y are intigers. So, if the box is where you want it and the x reads 131.8 and the y reads 255.2 - simply change them to 132 and 255. That might help. :beam: