EMERGENCY! AS3 button in scrollbar nav

[SIZE=4]*Hey all,

I’m quite new to Action Script (I’ve played with flash for a while, but only for animation not code) and I’ve been following some video tutorials from lynda.com but I’ve run into a problem that I can’t quite figure out.

Using the exact code mentioned in the video (he’s working in flash cs4 with Action Script 3) I’m getting errors pointing to an undefined property even though I know that I’ve properly defined said property.

Basically my website is 2 pages, both of which I’ve made into movie clips. Inside home page I have scrollbar that consists of:

[scrollbar_mc]> [mask] and [content_mc]

inside [content_mc] I have button that i want to use as navigation in main scene to navigate to other page

Button called overted_btn. Back on the Scene 1 level, in the first frame, I have the following code:


//handle button events
overted.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);

function clickSection(evtObj:MouseEvent){
trace (“Button was clicked!”)

When I test run the movie, I get the 1120 error pointing to line 4 in the AS code.

Any ideas on why its not working?*[/SIZE]