Enabling the '[swf]' bracket for signatures?

Is there a button in VBulletin that allows you to let signatures with the brackets ‘[swf]’? I could’t find it and the company that I help moderate the forum aboho couldn’t find it either… Please Help!


Cmon… more than a month later and still no reply… I feel depressed… :upset: Please tell me! How did you guys add the [swf] bracket in VBulletin… :frowning:


I dont know but i’d guess that it’s a plugin for vBulletin

Admin designs their own [] tags.

Hmmm, I see thank you… i’m going to go give it a whirl and see if I can make my own… Thanks again


Search vbulletin.com’s forums. I added the ones for this forum under the BBCode manager found in your AdminCP.