Enabling WebView on Wordpress

Hi there, I just watched your video on WebViews (very helpful. thanks, btw) and had a question about enabling WebViews on Wordpress.

So, basically I have a Wordpress site in which I host content (articles, videos). This site CMS’s is used to manage the content and then display it on my app (through AppMySite native app builder). That said, my question is, would it be possible to somehow enable WebViews on my Wordpress site (via plugin or back end work) so that when people click on a post link they are directed to the site hosting the content instead of an internal page? Similar to what social media sites are doing today and your examples from the video.

The blog or site will be public on mobile only so I’m only using Wordpress because I needed to build the UI in a particular way and use it as CMS.

I appreciate any help on this as I’m not a developer and am trying to figure out the best way to go about this. Thanks so much!

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Hi Dan,
Just to clarify:

  • You have a wordpress sight
  • The site uses AppMySight to display your wordpress sight in an app (I assume with web views).
  • Your website functions as a normal site
  • You want to open a “web view” from your main sight when a user clicks on a link?

Do you want to open a web page when a user clicks on a link inside your App?
do you want to open a web page / iframe / new tab when a user clicks on a link inside your website?
do you want to open your App when a user clicks on a link inside your website?
do you want to load another web view inside your App when a user clicks on a link inside your App?

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-Yes and the AppMySite service work does not use web view. It only displays the mobile version of the site within the app via a direct link.
-Yes the site is a normal wordpress site
-And, I want it to open web view inside the app when a user clicks on a post. similar to what Linkedin does now.
Thanks so much for your help.

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I want users to not leave the app when clicking on the link but be able to interact with the content being provided by the external site (content publisher) if ti makes sense.
I’m thinking some type of configuration must be done on wordpress backend then the AppMySite service will just show whatever it’s live on the site. No need to do anything on the app platform.

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TBH IDK how AppMySite converts your website to “native” and what it supports but I assume it is a direct reflection of your website.

By that logic if you had an iframe on your site that displayed the “current” post and links below the iframe could open a new post inside the iframe.

This is how it could look (HTML)

<!-- The iframe (page within a page) showing the current article -->
<iframe src="post1.html" name="blogPost"></iframe>

<!-- The links open another article within the iframe -->
<a href="https://www.myBlog.com/post2" target="blogPost">Post Two</a>
<a href="https://www.myBlog.com/post3" target="blogPost">Post Three</a>
<a href="https://www.myBlog.com/post4" target="blogPost">Post Four</a>
<a href="https://www.myBlog.com/post5" target="blogPost">Post Five</a>

The links would only open the iframe because the target is set to the named iframe (name = "blogPost").

Then in theory your app would have the same behavior.

Here’s a video on how to embed an iframe on WP.

When you add links to the iframe you want to add HTML because if you create a standard link it won’t target the iframe.

There might be some better ideas, this one is pretty simple for a no coder.

If you get stuck or it doesn’t work just jump back on :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks so much for sending this. I tried doing that before but the problem is the iframe would be inside a blog post (it wouldn’t display as a whole page). I’m looking at other options. Might have to forget about Wordpress and use an app service that has the feature built already and all I have to do is add the link to the content.
But again, thanks foe helping.

If you want a new tab in the browser this is a simple way to do it.

<a href="https://www.myBlog.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Blog Post 2</a>

It might work with AppMySite.

You can always use window.open() and do the same with JS.