End time limit in game

I am trying to make my timer stop at 10 seconds.
Then game will go to ‘game over’ -
can anyone assist in the proper code to implement the gameover at 10 seconds?
I Think it is somewhere in my timer code…
Thank you in advance!

Here is the timer code:
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
if(_root.gameIsRunning) {
if(getTimer() > _root.startTime + _root.secondsCounter + 1000) {
_root.secondsCounter += 1000;
if(_root.gameIsOver.gotoandplay(“gameover”)) {
if(getTimer() > _root.startTime + _root.secondsCounter + 1000) {
_root.secondsCounter += 1000;
_root.gameTime = 10 * 1000;
if(_root.showCards) {
if(_root.showTimer == 0) {
_root.showTimer = getTimer();
else {
if(getTimer() - _root.showTimer >= 1800 - _root.gameLevel * 200) {
_root.showTimer = 0;
_root.showCards = false;
_root.arrCats[selCat1]._visible = false;
_root.arrCats[selCat2]._visible = false;
_root.arrCards[selCard1]._visible = true;
_root.arrCards[selCard2]._visible = true;
_root.selCat1 = -1;
_root.selCat2 = -1;
_root.selCard1 = -1;
_root.selCard2 = -1;

Here is the main game code:
if(!isNotFirstStart) {

// Global variables
function initGame() {
gameIsRunning = false; // True if game is running, otherwise false
gameIsOver = false; // True if game is over, otherwise false
gameLevel = 4; // Initial speed level
startTime = 0; // Time of starting game
gameTime = 10 * 1000; //end time of game
secondsCounter = 0; // Count seconds of playing game
attemptsCounter = 0; // Count attempts
matchesCounter = 0; // Count matches
gamePoints = 0; // Score
selCat1 = -1; // Index of firt cat picture
selCat2 = -1; // Index of second cat picture
selCard1 = -1; // Index of firt card
selCard2 = -1; // Index of second card
showCards = false; // Show selected cards until timeout is over
showTimer = 0; // Timer for showing two cards
isNotFirstStart = true; // Flag to say that game started first
phpCounter = 0; // Dummy dummy, appended to highscore URL to outwit the browser cache
modeHighscore = 0; // 0=Shared Object, 1=PHP
if(_level0.highscoremode == “php”) {
modeHighscore = 1; // URL memory.swf?highscoremode=php

// Time display
function setTimeDisplay() {
var s = String(Math.round(_root.secondsCounter / 1000));
while(s.length < 4) {
s = " " + s;

var a = s.charAt(3) * 1;
for(var i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++) {
	arrT0*._visible = (i == a);
var b = s.charAt(2) * 1;
for(var i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++) {
	arrT1*._visible = (i == b);
var c = s.charAt(1) * 1;
for(var i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++) {
	arrT2*._visible = (i == c);
var d = s.charAt(0) * 1;
for(var i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++) {
	arrT3*._visible = (i == d);
