Enemy AI and animations

Hey, I’m working on my platformer here, and I seem to have some very very basic AI going, but the problem I have is when I punch him as he walks towards me, he no longer plays his death or walking animations when he dies or moves.

there is the fla, the area of code where the problem is here:

badcreate = function (type, x, y) {
    var nam = "bad"+badguycount;
    var badguy = badguylayer.attachMovie(type, nam, badguycount);
    badguy._x = x;
    badguy._y = y;
    badguy.en_attacked = false;
    badguy.en_stance = false;
    badguy.en_walking = true;
    badguy.en_dead = false;
    badguy.enInterval = 0;
    badguy.en_health = 5;
    badguy.platforms = 6;
    badguy.speed = 7;
    badguy.fall = 0;
    badguy.fallspeed = 6;
    badguy.onEnterFrame = function() {
        this.fall += 2;
        //walk towards if detected
        if (this.en_walking == true && this.en_dead == false ) {
            if (char._x<=this._x+20 && char._x>=this._x-20) {
                goLeft = false;
                goRight = false;
            } else if (char._x<=this._x+150 && char._x>=this._x && char._y>=this._y-90 && char._y<=this._y+10) {
                //right side
                goRight = true;
                goLeft = false;
            } else if (char._x>=this._x-150 && char._x<=this._x && char._y>=this._y-90 && char._y<=this._y+10) {
                //left side
                goLeft = true;
                goRight = false;
            } else {
                goLeft = false;
                goRight = false;
        if (goRight == true) {
            this._xscale = 100;
            this._x += 3;
        if (goLeft == true) {
            this._xscale = -100;
            this._x -= 3;
        if (ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y+1, true)) {
            this.fall = 0;
            //walking = true;
            /*if (this.jumping == false) {
            jump.start(0, 0);
            this.fall = -25;
            this.walking = false;
        } else if (ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y+this.fall, true)) {
            while (ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y+this.fall, true)) {
            this.en_walking = true;
            this.en_jumping = false;
        this._y += this.fall/2;
        this._x += this.xspeed;
        //check for death
        if (this.en_health<=0) {
            this.en_attacked = false;
            this.en_dead = true;
            delete this.onEnterFrame;
        if (this.hitTest(char) && attacked == false && playerIsAttacking == false && fight == false) {
            hurt.start(0, 0);
            attacked = true;
            health -= 10;
            stance = true;
        } else {
            if (stance) {
        //Character interval
        if (attacked) {
            if (charInterval>23) {
                attacked = false;
                charInterval = 0;
        } else if (attacked == false) {
            walking = true;
        //Is the enemy getting punched?             
        if (this.hitTest(char.attack_punch.hitCirc) && this.en_attacked == false) {
            punch1.start(0, 0);
            if (_root.char._xscale == -100) {
                blood("en_bloodsplat", char.attack_punch.hitCirc._x+char._x-65, char.attack_punch.hitCirc._y+char._y-40, -100);
            } else if (_root.char._xscale == 100) {
                blood("en_bloodsplat", char.attack_punch.hitCirc._x+char._x, char.attack_punch.hitCirc._y+char._y-40, 100);
            this.en_attacked = true;
            this.en_stance = true;
        } else {
            if (this.en_stance) {
            } else if (this.en_health>0) {
                this.en_walking = true;
        //enemy interval
        if (this.en_attacked) {
            if (this.enInterval>12) {
                this.en_attacked = false;
                this.enInterval = 0;

I hope someone can help me out with this, And If you see any other problems with the game outside of this problem, Please let me know and if possible, how to fix it. Thanks guys :smiley: