Hey, i need help with making enmies die when punched. I have a hitest that goes something like this;
if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)and key.isdown(key.CONTROL)) {
essentially if the player is touching the enmy and punching play the hit animation. But my problem lies in after the nemy is hit. It stops where it is and doesnt carry on walking. Another problem is how can i have my player ‘beat up’ the guy instead of having to hit him once and he dies (enemylife), and just as a test i copied and pasted the nemy a few times and onl the first one dies (if he does at all) and all the others dont do anything, how come.
In all:
I cant seem to make my enemy die.
i Cant seem to give thenemy life with a series of hit animations
I can seem to duplicate ie have more than one of the same enemy type in the one frame.
Flash masters over to you…