Okay, I have this code:
var i:Number = 0;
var SpawnPointX:Number = 345;
var SpawnPointY:Number = -30;
onEnterFrame = function () {
function SpawnEnemy() {
Dod = _root["virus"+i];
Dod._y = SpawnPointY;
Dod._x = SpawnPointX;
It is from this tutorial: http://www.gamegum.com/game/3461/ultra-platformer-tutorial!/
It has worked for me before, and now it isnt,
My movieclip is named “virus” on-stage, “virus” in the library, and exported for AS as “virus” Whats the problem?
Also, if there is an alternate suggestion for spawning, that’d be great. Oh, and there is code on the enemy, so it needs to keep that code.