Hey Guys, I know I haven’t been that active Recently but its just been a bit hecktic and all with my personal issues.
I’m stuck here in a standstill in my mind wether I want to go to become a Gaming/Graphic Designer or a Mechanical Engineer.
Me Personally, I want to be a Gaming or Graphic Designer cause I absolutly love it. I doodle for most of time, use 9/10’s of my after-schol time on Photoshop and Flash, and I’ve been Dreaming on making me own Video game (heh, who knows, I might be Master Chief for Halo #52 :lol:)
But, My parents want me to become an Engineer, I personally Chose mechanics cause it kinda runs with what I like. But, I’m not so enthusiastic with Engineering. I mean, my highest Grades have always been on my Sciences and Heck I’m gonna be doing 2 science classes at once coming my Senior year in September. But even with that I like drawing, doodling, Storymaking alot more. You can say I got really effected from watching cartoons and stuff.
I’ve always heard that Engineering is a Garentee. Becoming an Engineer is almost an Instant Success kinda like being a lawyer or a doctor.
While i don’t expect you guys to give the awnser to me, Is there anything you can tell me wether I should make one choice or the latter? Like Give me some arguments to think to myself about. Cause I don’t have alot of time. My Junior year ends in like a couple of months.