Graphic Artist Game Programmer

One one should i be i mean i love making grapics i havent did it at all before but i do good with it…

Game programmer i did it for a long time now its very fun making games but it feels like im missing something…

Maybe its graphics that im missing in my game should i Become Both…

become A game’s progammer dude

make a remake of mafia.

Or… or. try and get a place at infogrames.

Well i will do my best…
Ill try Game Programming for another month or two to se if i like it all over agin…

If i dont then ill try Graphic artist i i ondt like that ill do both thne ill go eith my eart…

man you’re letting other people deside your destiny?
I ain’t votin’!

You have a point…
You made me understand again lol

Well im still sticking with game Programming i always ws a good one…

Personally Id like to see the classic game “Starsiege” remade into better graphics, etc… Game is still played quite a bit after being out for what? 5/6 years? Great game

(200th Post weeeee)

I have never seen that game before could you have some examples.

If you guys can draw Talk to me on…


My guess is you’ve already made up your mind C:-)

I’m planning on majoring in game design after I graduate this March with my associates degree in graphic design. My advice is if you can do both then go for it, do both. =)

Well dude… If you’re only going to give it “another month” you might as well not try…

That’s not passion… And you need passion to become a game programmer… Long nights… Endless struggles… And the passion to create a game… THat you will be SICK of… Trust me… I know…

You won’t wanna play games cause you learn how they are coded… I’ve been there… I didn’t like it that much… But I still had passion… And that’s what drives you to finish coding a 100,000 line game when you only have one compiler problem…

So… You need to ask yourself how serious you are with everything… And which area you wanna have fun in… Then… You’ll have your answer my friend.