DW/HTML question

i got an html/dreamweaver question:

how would you set a centered backround image… like most design sites use nowadays, to creat the vertical stripes that extend into oblivion down the page… and are centered… HOW?



(i have an idea, imma go test it)


yoru site… i think

the lines that go down the sides of your .swf

just go to my page and view source then. :wink:

basically, it’s a small .gif image use as a cell bg. it repeats to fill
the space as large as the cell is. In my case, I only made it as wide
as the gif image so it looks stretched downwards.

unflux your site reminds me of this site: http://www.2advancedstudios.com/flashindex.htm
Small world!!

uh oh…

oh no…

BAD MOVE cutedge!!


What do you mean by BAD MOVE? I thought it has some similarities. That’s all.

lol, im not going to bring it up again…

lets just say… unflux is touchy on that subject :beam:

Hey Hawk, please don’t put words in my mouth. I’m not touchy on any
subject, so please don’t try and start anything from cutnedge’s
comments. The issue you are referring to is dead and gone, and
doesn’t in any way represent me or my company.

I’m trying my best to move on from it, so let’s not drag it out of its
grave ok? I’d appreciate it. Help me out guys…help me get past
this, ok?

Anyways…He has a right to his own opinion. But I have to ask…
What about my site reminds you of 2a? I’m just curious since my
colors, layout, transitions, and most everything else is different.

I don’t think it’s a bad thing to be “reminded” of a site at all. And
it’s common knowledge that 2a is the reason i learned flash in
the first place, it’s influence is bound to show up in my work. I’m
not ashamed of it one bit. Frankly, I take it as a compliment.

However, I’m a bit tired of hearing how any nice flash site is
automatically given a 2a comparison, mine or anyone elses.
There are tons of other great flash sites out there to made
comparison to.


let’s get back to the original question:
for the forever stretching lines all you have to do is a long pixel line, although making sure it’s larger than any screen resolution (otherwise it’ll just repeat)… So that would basically mean at least a 1280x1 pixel line, and then use it in your background html tag…

that’s really the hard wat, so to speak mlkdesign. It’s better to
show the bg image as the bg of a cell rather than the page’s bg
to line up properly with a table.

I used a .gif image as a cell bg. it repeats to fill the space as
large/tall as the cell is.

The table cell background is the best method for this. Because with that type of layout you usually auto-center your layout horizontally so that no matter what resolution they are running the layout is centered.

If you have a set bg image in your HTML file, then you can only have one position of your movie, which isn’t good for cross screen-res designing.

If you have a set bg image of the table cell itself, then the image will be wherever that table cell is layed out at, leaving room for adjustment.

Unflux, I am sorry for the comments. I am very new to this forum. It seems that this subject was previously comment about it. I feel that I started the whole thing so, I am leaving this forum for good. I will only come to see everybody’s work. I had a good time. Again, I am sorry. Continue with the original thread as mlkdesign sugested. Thanks

cutnedge, I don’t think UNFLUX wants you to leave the forums, he doesnt even seem to be offended, he just wanted to know what you meant and some examples… dont take it so hard.
UNFLUX, smack me if im wrong

Sorry I hadn’t realized it had to fit with the flash file and be centered. IN this case I totally agree you should use tables…

Btw cutnedge you might try to leave, but believe me you’re gonna come back. Kirupa.com is addictive, we love it so much… It’s great to feel part of a growing community full of productive people… And that have a common goal: help each other out…

cutnedge - I, in NO WAY meant for you to leave the forum! We
want you to stay, as for most of the people that visit here as well.

You didn’t start anything…no one did. I was just being clear about
it not getting started at all. It’s not a big deal, and I really hope
you don’t leave. I’m sorry you even feel like that’s what you
should do. :frowning:

hey, im just gonna post a GENERAL apology about this
also a specific one to UNFLUX

cutedge, DONT LEAVE, this is a great place to learn stuff from the pros, great environment and everyone here is really nice… its great, your losing out if you go


np Hawk. I just didn’t want things getting out of hand again. I appreciate the apology, thx. =)

did you figure out the bg image?