EPS and AI files for print

I do a lot of illustrating in Flash 8 but one thing that has always bugged me is the lack of options when Exporting to other file formats. I have several clients that want their finished projects to be in .eps or .ai format in addition to the native .swf in Flash.

Additionally,most print shops will not accept .FLA or .SWF. and will ask for .EPS or .AI vector images. Flash will allow me to export to these formats but I’ve had mixed results. For example, when I export a project that has a heavy gradient and/or filter effects, the finished exported image will break apart or be misinterpreted in some sections. Thisforces me to dumb down my design(simplify) and then apply the filters through Illustrator later.

Does anyone know of a good workaround or a 3rd party app that will allow either .FLA or SWF files to cleanly convert to EPS or .AI without all the headache? I have scoured google and yahoo but have not found a good solution. I prefer to design in Flash over Adobe Illustrator.