Error for absolutely no reason, i need help and quick!

TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.

I get the above error when I run the below code:

var res:Responder = new Responder(onResult, onFault);
var sizeArray:Array = new Array();
var circs:Array = new Array();
var groups:Array = new Array();
var mcs:Array = new Array();

// Array holding the sizes of the mcs
sizeArray[1] = 1.10;
sizeArray[2] = 1.05;
sizeArray[3] = 1.00;
sizeArray[4] = 0.95;
sizeArray[5] = 0.90;

// array for the mcs, filled with circles
mcs[1] = c1;
mcs[2] = c2;
mcs[3] = c3;
mcs[4] = c4;
mcs[5] = c5;

// circle array
circs[1] = c1;
circs[2] = c2;
circs[3] = c3;
circs[4] = c4;
circs[5] = c5;

// group array
groups[1] = g1;
groups[2] = g2;
groups[3] = g3;
groups[4] = g4;
groups[5] = g5;

function onResult(responds:Object):void
    //create Arrays
    var data:Array = responds.serverInfo.initialData;
    for (var j:Number = 0; j < data.length; j++)
        //set the position j in array 'mcs' to be equal to the same position in 'circs'
        mcs[j] = circs[j];
        //fill all text areas
        mcs[j].title_mc.text = data[j][0];
        mcs[j].a_mc.a_text.text = data[j][11];
        mcs[j].q_mc.q_text.text = data[j][12];
        //set internal colour of circle
        var newColorTransform:ColorTransform = mcs[j].circ.circ_body.transform.colorTransform;
        newColorTransform.color = data[j][7];
        mcs[j].circ.circ_body.transform.colorTransform = newColorTransform;
        //set colour of the notifier
        newColorTransform.color = data[j][10];
        mcs[j].news.transform.colorTransform = newColorTransform;

        //set colour of text inside of the circle
        var textformat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
        textformat.color = data[j][9];
        //comments and questions
        var textformat2:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
        textformat2.bold = true;
        if (data[j][14] == 1)
            mcs[j].news.alpha = 1;
            mcs[j].q = 1;
        else if (data[j][13] == 1)
            mcs[j].news.alpha = 1;
            mcs[j].news.alpha = 0;
        //set x,y of mcs
        mcs[j].x = data[j][4];
        mcs[j].y = data[j][5];

Now the thing is there is literally no explanation for it, at least what I can see anyway… Can anybody help me out on this??
