Error message from website viewer

I’ve just recieved an email by someone who said they recieved this message whilst trying to access my website.

FWSpx_ Cÿÿÿ?ƒhomepage.swf_level2¿$x``§€ÌêÀϧ‡*~øÁcè¬Åô›†@

homepage.swf - is the flash page after my index page.

I think they may be on a Mac as I’ve tried the site and it works just fine. The viewer also said that they had Flash player 6 installed on there machine so that rules that problem out also.

Anyone have any ideas? Anyone with a Mac willing to test the site out?:smirk:

The address is:


worked here, but yeah im on pc!!


Dnt know y it wouldn’t work on a mac!! What Browser is he using?
Im using Interent Explorer!!

i got the same error when i looked at it on my mac. it worked fine on my pc. i have no idea why it would work for one and not the other. unless there is some kind of setting in the “publish” options that would cause it to do that, but i didn’t think there was…

Thanks guys,

I’l post a more general thread to see if anyone knows of this Mac problem.
