First off…thumbs up to the tutorial author on building a site!
I had bunches of questions which 99% were cleared up becuz of the tutorial sooooo…THANKS A BUNCH.
I have done several small animations in flash but I’m still learning the navigation bit,only at it for a week now.
Please could you tell me what this error means?
Symbol=nav, Layer=help, Frame=1: Line 1: Mouse events are permitted only for button instances
on (release) {
Following the tutorial contents one button worked & one did not.
Any helpful advise you could give me would be greatly appreciated…especially since I’m trying to teach myself =)
Symbol=nav, Layer=help, Frame=1: Line 1: Mouse events are permitted only for button instances
on (release) {
The error message simply means that you have placed your script into the wrong place…
on (release) handler belongs to the button instances and there are two ways you can script the button to do something…
F5 way…
Click on the button instance on the stage where you want the script to be applied, and press F9 to open the ActionScrip Editor…
If you do that, the top of the ActionScript Editor will say ‘Actions - Button’… Make sure yo have this, otherwise, you probably will get the same error messages…
Type the script in that editor and run your movie when done…
FMX way…
Create a new layer on the timeline… Name it ‘Actions’ and place it to the top part of the timeline… Create a new key frame(if there is none) and press F9 to open up the ActionScript Editor… This time it should be saying ‘Actions - Frame’… and type your script there…
I found out that the button in question had a bitmap haha
I checked the rest of the buttons—the rest were ok.
Now the big question—how do I take & edit the button —
It is nested in my movie clip—which is in my main page…
(trying to recreate approximately the listed tutorial on how to build a website.)
I tried editing in place & getting down to the spot where you edit the buttons but for some reason or another it didn’t work & I ooopsed the entire file (thank goodness for revert!)
I figured I could redo the file then resave it then reimport it into the library & just replace the botched up one—that didn’t work either.
Um… Let me know when you upload your file… Or, just get the problematic part and create a sample flash file with it… and upload it right here… You can attach the file when you post/reply… It’s right above the ‘submit reply’ button…