
something is going wrong everytime i try to come here.

Parse error: parse error, unexpected ‘&’ in /home/virtual/site284/fst/var/www/html/forums/admin/functions.php on line 843

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: vbsetcookie() in /home/virtual/site284/fst/var/www/html/forums/admin/sessions.php on line 205


it happens sometimes for me too.
not all the time, sometimes…

strange, I never get that error…

me too. and the forum is way slower

hm…never seen that error before.

kirupa: hey hey
me: hey hey
me: why are you forums down?
kirupa: I messed them up.
kirupa: I was trying to upgrade them, and I killed the forums :(.
me: lol, can I help? n/m, i’m stupid.
kirupa: Only 1 error now :slight_smile:
me: lol, gj
me: just remember, don’t try to upgrade your forums again.

That was an AIM I copied and pasted. Names were changed to protect the innocent (me) :).

well well… good going k-man!

haha j/k:P =)

I have yet to get an error knocks on wood

Forbiddion? how come i keep getting this message? is it a server problem:(

*Originally posted by Alex *
**Forbiddion? how come i keep getting this message? is it a server problem:( **

No Alex, it’s not a server problem, it’s just your luck… I’m sorry. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey alex,
You would have gotten these errors this morning: I was adding the AS button tag. I had some problems initially, but it started working later a few mins later. Give me a shout at the next time you see an error. I’d like to take a look into it.

Kirupa :!:

ok k man- i thought for a while that i was going to have to do school work. that scared me:smirk: :bandit: