Evening, people

i’m new here…just wanted to say hi!

how od i get a flashy footer, i’be just done one, do i just copy and paste the URL into the footer bit on my profile?

and how do i get my own av?


merry xmas all <:}

Ah, welcome :slight_smile:

Avatars are set in your USER CP, at the top :stuck_out_tongue:

Flash footers? look at the main forum index, just above the forum, to the right, where it says “How to add your own flash footer”… or something like that :slight_smile:

cheers :slight_smile:

just checking

um…is that backstreet boys? *runs and hides under table

well if it is i want to do this to them lolv:P

mak i dont get it…

Hey mdipi,
I think mak was referring to the people in the footer…I hope :slight_smile:

Kirupa :q:

doesn’t my dislike for backstreet boys show?? :bad:


Backstreet Boys


Boy Bands and slut singers



they´re on top of the hit list of jubba, that means that we will not have to put up with this guys(?) for long :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL! i thought that was a cave!

Hey Flash_newbie… don’t let these turkeys get you down. Keep in mind that 60% of the kirupians listen to rap regularly, and I listen to folk so I must be a complete music moron. hehehe. I don’t like the Back street boys either… but it’s better that you listen to that then Country Western. so hey… it’s all relative.

anyway… just don’t want you to feel isolated. These guys are poken fun… that’s all. Please do come in, pull up a chair and ask questions about Flash. We love newbs here. :slight_smile:

peace brotha Flasher


Hey flash_newbie,
Yeah, you really shouldn’t take what the guys in this forum say seriously. I listen to U2 and the Bee Gees (laugh it up everyone!) so it’s all good :wink:

Kirupa :goatee:

besides the fact that they are old, they kick arse!

Nothing wrong with U2 and the Bee Gees.

Sure, I don’t like them, but so what.

There is much wrong with boy bands and such… :slight_smile:

Ok ok, so it is my opinion that I hate them, oh well…lol.

We are all jokesters here, so it doesn’t matter.

Notice how we are assuming it is a boy band, we don’t really know who it is in that footer, it could be a punk band for all we know…lol!!!

haha! i respect them, i dont really listen to them n’more.

It’s Oasis… roflmao

ok, now I’m gonna make fun of you. jk :smirk:

Lol i listen to black metal and no one likes it other than a select few. And I really think that no boy in the world actually likes boyband other than mindwarped little children. Black metal is a mix between folk and death metal…depending on what band you listen to. “Buy”…haha… band=In Flames song= downfall. Good song. Bye bye now