Event Bubbling, workaround: Delegation

After reading senoculars button event caputuring (http://www.senocular.com/flash/tutorials/buttoncapturing/)

I have been trying to get something to work using workaround #1 and I need some help.

I am trying to get a sound control tab (see attached file) to have a rollOver state which slides in and have buttons on tab be usable but cant seem to grasp the AS needed.

This is the AS but I know it is incorrect because it is not can anyone please help so that I can grasp this concept?

this.soundtab_mc.play_mc.onPress = function() {
  _parent.sound_mc.songStarter(songfile[song_nr], songname[song_nr]);
  /// How can I have this function for soundtab_mc work along with buttons within this MC?
   ///  this.gotoAndPlay(2);
  ///  }
  ///  soundtab_mc.onPressHandler() {
   ///  this.gotoAndPlay(15);
  ///  }
this.soundtab_mc.stop_mc.onPress = function() {
this.soundtab_mc.next_mc.onPress = function() {
 (song_nr == songfile.length-1) ? _global.song_nr=0 : _global.song_nr++;
  _parent.sound_mc.songStarter(songfile[song_nr], songname[song_nr]);
this.soundtab_mc.prev_mc.onPress = function() {
 (song_nr == 0) ? _global.song_nr=songfile.length-1 : _global.song_nr--;
  _parent.sound_mc.songStarter(songfile[song_nr], songname[song_nr]);

Thanks for any suggestions. MT