Sound tab 38th try

okay after someone suggested senoculars tutorial on Dealing With Flash Button Event Capturing

I have throughly read and understand about MC’s within MC’s and having functions involving each, however I am trying to do something a little different and can still not figure this out.

I have soundtab_mc that on rollOver I want to pop out to display sound controls; play, next, back and stop. I have created these and they are all MC’s within soundtab_mc. I have been working on this for 4 days now and stuck to the fullest extent. My new AS for sound controls is as follows:

this.soundtab_mc.play_mc.onPress = function() {
  _parent.sound_mc.songStarter(songfile[song_nr], songname[song_nr]);
  soundtab_mc.onPressHandler() {
  soundtab_mc.onPressHandler() {
this.soundtab_mc.stop_mc.onPress = function() {
    soundtab_mc.onPressHandler() {
  soundtab_mc.onPressHandler() {
this.soundtab_mc.next_mc.onPress = function() {
 (song_nr == songfile.length-1) ? _global.song_nr=0 : _global.song_nr++;
  _parent.sound_mc.songStarter(songfile[song_nr], songname[song_nr]);
    soundtab_mc.onPressHandler() {
  soundtab_mc.onPressHandler() {
this.soundtab_mc.prev_mc.onPress = function() {
 (song_nr == 0) ? _global.song_nr=songfile.length-1 : _global.song_nr--;
  _parent.sound_mc.songStarter(songfile[song_nr], songname[song_nr]);
    soundtab_mc.onPressHandler() {
  soundtab_mc.onPressHandler() {

I know this AS isnt right because when I check syntax it prompts me for errors for the gotoAndPlay areas.

I throughly understand now how to set up MC’s within MC’s (thanks to senoculars tutorial) and not involve any action of gotoAndPlay but I would like to have that feature so the tab is hidden off to the side until user chooses to rollover it and Press Play, Stop, Next or Prev.

I am sincerely lost on this any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.