Event listener in as3 slow?

[FONT=Arial][edit] Weird. Once I uploaded the swf to the internet and accessed it on IE the problem was gone. It only seems to happen when its launched from flash. So basically the below question is pointless except I am still curious and wondering if you would consider my first class to be sloppy coding :slight_smile: [/edit][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]For my first proper class ever (sorta) I tried to make the clients keyboard into a piano/musical instrument. But its annoyingly noticable that the eventlisteners respond slowly to keystrokes, especially when you press two keys at the same time, because one key goes through the event listen function first, and then a couple hundred miliseconds go by, then the second key.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]I was thinking maybe it is the way I wrote my code.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#22229c][http://geocities.com/wormywyrm/first_as3.swf ](http://geocities.com/wormywyrm/first_as3.swf (enable)[/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][URL=โ€œhttp://geocities.com/wormywyrm/first_as3.swf (enableโ€]
[FONT=Arial](enable[/FONT][FONT=Arial] the app and use the # keys to play sounds)[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial]Its the first time I ever made a class, and I dont really expect that I did a great job. I would really appreciate it if anyone knew how I could recognize two keys at the same time and get the response time up. Plus any other problems you think I have with writing classes or writing in as3, as this is my first time. :smiley: [/FONT]


[FONT=Arial]PS, the sound files could be improved and may be part of whats causing the delay, but what about when two keys are pressed at the same time? :slight_smile: [/FONT][/FONT]