EventDispatcher and Delegate syntax problem

So – I found, from a co-worker, a novel way to handle a lot of EventDispatcher events from a class instance talking back to the main timeline, using the Delegate class. I’m not sure if it’s kosher, but it seems to work…unless I goof up the syntax when I set it up.

Here’s the code that works:

itemsDelegate = Delegate.create(this, itemsChange);
[COLOR=Red]**function itemsChange(evt_obj:Object):Void**[/COLOR]
        case "answer" :
            trace("Answer selected : " + evt_obj.answer);
        default :
            // do nothing for default case

queItemClip.addEventListener("answer", itemsDelegate);

I can fire off, from the that class instance (queItemClip) as many event types as I need and use the switch case to handle them all. Just a variation of writing the event listeners, I guess.

However, I can’t get it to work if I write the code block this way:

itemsDelegate = Delegate.create(this, itemsChange);
[COLOR=Red]**this.itemsChange = function(evt_obj:Object):Void**[/COLOR]
        case "answer" :
            trace("Answer selected : " + evt_obj.answer);
        default :
            // do nothing for default case

queItemClip.addEventListener("answer", itemsDelegate);

Why does the named function variant work and the anonymous function fail? Keep in mind, I’m writing the anonymous function variant differently than…

var itemsChange:Function = function(evt_obj:Object):Void {}

Is it a scope issue?
