Ever notice?

well… it’s not really a flash question or anything, but have you guys ever noticed that dynamically loaded text looks different than the text you type into a textbox? It’s weird.

I’m using MS Sans Serif for two different text boxes, the text for one is loaded from an external text file, and for the other one, I actually typed in the text. The one that was dynamically loaded looks much sharper than the other one. I don’t know why… it just makes no sense to me… I really don’t care, but I think it’s curious.

i think it’s because ever thing that goes into flash gets blurred, like pixal art

i think standard text become like an image but dyanmic text does not so it stays normal

oh, they’re both dynamic textboxes, by the way.

but I guess your explanation sort of makes sense…

I haven’t noticed that, but I can say that not everything in Flash gets blurred. You can do pixel art in flash as long as you create 1x1 square and have the View/Snap To Pixels feature enabled in Flash MX. It comes out just as clear as any pixel art image done in Photoshop or whatever.

The problem might be the same. Perhaps the location of your textboxes were different, and it being maybe a few decimals off could have made it a bit blurry.

no, it’s not that… cause I made sure of that… you should really try it… it’s weird.

I just tried, I experienced no difference :-\

hmm… what the hell is wrong with me then?

i never saw it either…lol

Rub your eyes, maybe one is blurry and the other isn’t…lol.

hey, I found out what it was…

When you embed a font in flash… lets say arial - flash makes it blurry. If you don’t embed it - the text will look sharp for those who have it. The problem I was having was that in one text box, I was embedding the font, and in the other one, I wasn’t.

Not everybody has MS Sans serif out there, so I had to switch to Arial. There is simply no way I could get a sharp MS Sans Serif font across all computers.

lava: Oh, I thought you knew that one already. Embedding font outlines causes your text to do the same thing that happens if you use a static textbox. This was my theory on why pixel fonts are so trendy, because they can be dynamic with embedded font outlines and still be crystal clear, this is just a theory though, rev challenged it with some good points in the ordered section somewhere :wink:

yeah… well, now I found that out. I didn’t know that because I’ve always used pixel fonts, but now I know how to have sharp text with regular fonts (as long as people have them). I thought I was going to have to find a serif pixel font.

Anyways, if you’re interested in seeing the project that brought this on, check out www.lavaland.net