Everyone rip on guito :)

:angry: you seem awfully angry these days EG

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

arenā€™t you happy your hooking up with edwin and ren at THE BLOCK?!


Hmmm, you create a thread where the subject is pretty much ā€œdonā€™t hate me, make fun of meā€ and you expect that to resolve any issues? Its just a thread for people to post crap.

Sorry Mak, Iā€™m just extremely fed up with all these new members who come here to do nothing, but spam.

Everytime I open a new thread, there would be one or two post related to the topic and the rest are a bunch of useless babble.

Now I should be use to this by now because it happens all the time, but to see it happen in every single thread pisses me off.

ok well im sorry EG. this is actually my first day ive spent time in the random section actually. before ive just been improving my flash in the mx section. but you know, this is nothing to get worked up overā€¦ :smirk: , its only for good intentions, not to spam the serverā€¦

geek & lost:

i see a lot of anger in your posts, knowing you guys i assume it has a reason for it other than spam (in random). is there?

iĀ“ve been online less than usual these last few days, so iĀ“m really losted in this one.
i noticed a lot of intense posts provoked by these intense moments weĀ“re all passing thru (war), but so far, with the exception of dan and b-dawng, we manage to keep a decent level of respect.
i agree that some ppl post some spamful pointless posts/threads but just a tad bit over the usual, but mak isnĀ“t one of them, and even if he was i canĀ“t see why you attaked him or the others as well.

care to explain?


Sorry Guigo, I was in a bad mood today and decided to come on the forum to relieve some stress like a normally do. When I came to random, first thing I noticed was this thread, it was absolutely pointless.

I talked to UncleGuito and he said that he created this thread since he wanted to say sorry to Mak. I told him that he could of just PMed Mak for that, there was no need to create a thread.

After that 28 created a thread saying good bye and so did UncleGuito, so there was 2 good bye threads posted one after the other. I deleted one of them and told UncleGuito he could of just replied to the one 28 posted already.

Since you havenā€™t been here the past week or so, I guess you havenā€™t noticed the level of spam that has build up. Iā€™m just tired to opening a thread and finding that the majority of the posts in there have nothing to do with the topic, it was just a bunch of little kids spamming to rack up post counts.

I know this is nothing new and threads get ā€œhijackedā€ all the time, I do it myself and was ok with it if it happens once in awhile, but lately it was happening to almost every thread in random.

About Mak, heā€™s a cool guy, but earlier he wasnā€™t helping the situation, but only adding to it. Iā€™m normally a calm guy, but this spamming spree has to stop.

ok, i do get you knowā€¦ and i too agree with you :wink:
youĀ“re right, and youĀ“re just doing what you have to do.

i just got suprized and stunned, coz i really like mak, and i took the natural position: defend my buddies :stuck_out_tongue:

i thank you for the reply, and also apologize for meddlingā€¦ hope you understand.

Cheers :bounce:

Iā€™m glad you understand, I donā€™t want to be te bad guy here. :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

only phil can make hitler seem phunny!

geek: you could no be the bad guy even if you wanted to :stuck_out_tongue:

Well considering my mood yesterday I kinda toned it down a bit last night believe it or not. Iā€¦ like EGā€¦ came here to get away from things, but when its impossible to find anything interesting through a group of spam threads and multiple threads on the same topic I got even madder.

But yeah, I donā€™t usually let my angry side show too much on the forum, and yesterday I actually wasnā€™t too bad considering how bad I could get :wink:

hey shaneā€¦ youĀ“re scaring me :hair:

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

not really :wink:

as i said to geek, forgive me for meddling, i was unnaware of what was going onā€¦ lately i just read the threads about war in random and FMX and F5 threadsā€¦

now that i took the time to read all recent threads in random i understand. and i know that a lot of threads and posts have been deletedā€¦

another thing: i just realized how hard must be for you guys in america these last few daysā€¦ it has been hard for me, but for you is def. worst. being pro war or against it.

I donā€™t let what people say about me being in America get to me, everyones entitled to their opinion, and frankly I could care less what peoples opinions are :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :beam:

And yes, we are working on this spam problem now.

When you live in America, in a multi-cultural City, like Philly, or SF, or NY, you have to learn to ignore the anti-American rhetoric. Else you go nuts and end up like Philā€¦



Actually thats pretty true. Theres a lot of cultures where I am, most of them hate eachother. Kind of sad really.

no shane, i meant about pressure, tensionā€¦ not anti-american propaganda.

i believe that no one that post here is an a anti-american, regardless what they sayā€¦ if you were an anti-american would you post on an american forum? socializing with a 90% rate of american users?

uhh, okā€¦ weirdā€¦ Is this funny? Or a fight? I DONT GET IT!!!

[EDIT] noticed a typoā€¦ ā€œOf a fight?ā€ corrected to ā€œOr a fight?ā€

Its neither. Its a conversation.

guig0: I believe you are right.