Everyone rip on guito :)

to make up for all the crap i’ve been pulling, i announce this, until further notice, to be the rip on guito thread. enjoy!

guito is a nice guy and im glad he’s joined the forums :slight_smile:

thank you for that nice, “insult”… :chinaman:

i don’t get it…

hey i’m glad you made this thread!!! wait, isn’t it past your bedtime? time to take out the trash!!!

and lastly

in case you didn’t know, i’m ripping you up!! lol

anyways…i have nothing against you, you should simply apologize for calling people commies for no reason, in case you still don’t get it, i’m really pissed at you for that

you can diss Canada all you want, but don’t call us commies …you don’t know what communism is or what it stands for, somehow i think YOU believe it to be some EVIL ideology which will bring about the end of the world

Besides, Canada is a free market…get your facts straight

read the canadian forums from the special CANADIAN people… :ninja:

fine instead of communist( which i know what it is :run: ) you are PURE CAPITALIST
there, u happy?

seems to me, that sometimes discretion is necessary when
posting your political opinions, but silence is usually the best
approach IMO.


hey im at 100, whhoooo!!!

hey, thx Uncle G!!! PURE CAPITALIST! I love it!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

oh wait! thats not good! sulks in corner

What is the point of this thread? :angry:

To annoy people EG, and to just post spam, just like every other thread created in Random recently.

actually i do, and im not some stupid retrad with a 1.7 GPA or anything, im in honors classes. anyways, communism is the form of government where the goverment sets all of the incomes so everyone makes the same amount of money, same taxes, housing, benefits, and all. i think the government controls all of the buisnesses too, but that might be a differnet one.

oh and pure capitalism is the true form of government in canada, i learned that when i wasnt sleeping or playing my ti-83 plus. :beam:

there is no point, its worse than spam, its complete trash (no offense guito, but it looks like a sad attempt at getting some posts)

*Originally posted by UncleGuito *
**hey im at 100, whhoooo!!! **


wait what were you saying hojo? :wink:


(sorry for blatent ad uncle G but this thread isn’t going anywhere, it must be sacrificed)

umm, no i dont really care about getting posts, this is only a forum. thats just like trying to build up wins on battlenet- a waste of time, anyways, im just trying to get people to cool off at me… :-\

UncleGuito, I suggest you stop creating pointless threads like this one. If you don’t want people to hate you then stop spamming! :angry:

hmm…does that mean people hate me EG?

goes to sulk in corner

i’m sorry! :frowning:

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

don’t tell him to stop spamming!! who are YOU to do so??

notices EG’s name is in BOLD



goes deeper into corner

Actually, same goes for you Mak, it’s already bad enough that these teeny boppers spam, but you add to it. :angry:

i dont understand how this is spamming… i just dont want people to hate me, so im trying to resolve it. im soryy eg but if you dont want to read it, then dont come here…