I have a question about a rather simple effect…I have an idea of how it’s done but and I’m about to try it out but I’ll go ahead and ask just in case I can’t figure it out…
When you have a flash site…and you have a content section that you want to tween into view out of nowhere how is that done? Don’t you normally have to have a shape to tween or can you setup a tween out of “nowhere”…sort of like 2advanced…not the same effect but just the way he achieved that is what I’m interested in…how is the “flash” achieve…example: I have a thumbnail that appears after a transition…but it appears on stage blinking/flashing how is that achieved? I probably sound like an idiot but thanks in advance…well I’m off to try and figure it out for myself…wish me luck!
Hi there. To answer your first question, making the flash or contents appearing from nowhere, start with this:
The swf that you load in has some sort of graphic that shape tweens into the stage area (or whatever you want to have happen). That’s the art part of design.
Now the blinking/flashing stuff: make whatever you want to blink or flash into a movieClip, double click it to edit in and you will get a new timeline. (For instance) Enter in a blank keyframe in frame two of that time line. With that new movieClip on the stage, it will blink because it’s looping between frame one and frame two.
Hope that helps you some - and good luck.
Thanks I appreciate it, I’ll post here if I have any trouble!
I just went through that tutorial and though it was quite helpful I dont see how it effectively answers my question…I want a smoother transition than that in the tutorial…the other steps apply to the flash site I’m attempting to create but not the animation…so let me ask this again how is that effect achieved…a shape tweening out of nowhere to serve a content box? 2advanced is the only example I have to explain what I’m trying to accomplish. Thanks in advance.
Nevermind…I achieved that effect…but if there is a more effective way to accomplish this please do share…I made a white circle on a white background then tweened it to a content box of a different color…is there more effective way of doing this? I have a strange feeling that there is lol.
Not really, good thinking!! I have done transitions like somewhat like that except my content area is a blue square movieClip and I tweened the crap out of it a few different ways:
I made the site a while ago, but it still works…
Can you give me a depth explanation of the “blinking” effect…I want to tween a box…have it blink blink then tween out(dissapear)…I have the tweening down but Im wondering about the blinking…you’ve been a great help by the way.
Glad I can help…
If you want the box itself to blink twice (blink blink) then do this:
At the end of the first tween when it goes from a circle to a box, insert four blank keyframes. Make sure they’re empty! go to the last frame of the last tween. Go down to the stage, select your box and hit ctrl-c (copy). Go to the second blank keyframe you just made. Click on the stage and hit ctrl-v (paste). That blank keyframe will turn into a full key frame. Now go to the forth (last) blank keyframe you just made and do the same thing. Go down to the stage and hit ctrl-v again. Basically, when flash plays those frames in succession it will play them like this:
tween>it’s there>it’s gone>it’s there>it’s gone>it’s there again!!
So hence - blink blink. Then you can, from that last frame, create a tween that takes your shape off of the stage.
Voila!! Tween flambe.
You are my personal hero. :beam: