
Well this looked different befor colour, like somthing from a space telescope in the 50’s lol. so i foooled around and came up with this, really bright and faded, kinda cool i guess.

100% PS from Scratch

Thats cool dippy
looks like something from that other thread who’s name i forgot…
you should add im some text or something… or like I LOVE XXVIII in really big letters :stuck_out_tongue:

Too bright, can’t see the detail…

puts on sun shades
ah, now i can see

yes but i agree with eg (that rymes)
if you could make it a little darker, it would look a little better. :slight_smile:

yep i was foolin with it, i am going to take out the second gradient layer, but i gotta go so i will do it in the morening. later.

but its going ot be bright no matter what cause i will show what it looks like if its not lol…