New Photoshop Image

Here is a new photoshop image I did last night that I kinda like. Let me know what you think about it.

That is really really nice. I like the colors and overall it looks nice.
One advise, leave the bg behind the font and the lines. It damages the nice pic…

cool image! reminds me of mine a little. :wink:
[that’s not a bad thing]

will make a cool splash, should you choose to use it for that.

oh man! Nice pic!
one thing though! The line in the center almost crossing the whole pic above the PEXP text! It is surrounded by some angled stripes! The angled ones are kinda wierd in some places… Hey but maybe it’s even wierder without them so… nice pic! :slight_smile:

Hey guys. thanks for the comments. Glad to see ya like it. Hey UNFLUX, yea it reminds me of yours too. I think its the reddish orange colors? hehe. anyway, yea that’s what it is. A splash. hmmm…I was gonna make a footer out of it. But…I think that would be alot like yours unflux. I promise i did’nt copy you! hehe

Oh and also, just in case you were wondering, everything is from scratch. No images were used.

oh i know, not worried. :wink:

I really do like it though. Do you mean my old footer? cuz the one
i have now isn’t like this at all.

do it! Use it for both, it would be a nice tie-in.

hmm, how did oyu do that?! that is amaxing!

Midipi, for you I’m gonna tell you how I went about it. But this is olny for midipi! noone else reading ok?? hehe j/k. anyway, this is from memory so some steps might be left out. But you get the basic idea. And this is all me, no tut’s.

  1. I took various brushes (grungy) and made a symetical design.

  2. Took that design and put a “radial blur” on it, but put the radial blur to “zoom”.

  3. W/ that design, I did a filter/polar coordinates. (that’s what made it cool…mostly)

  4. Then, for the color, i just made a new layer (you should have, layer 1, just white background, layer 2 the design you made, and now layer 3) on top of everything, and fill it w/ a gradient. then mess w/ the layer blending on that.

  5. (not sure if you already know how I did this) but for the text holder i just took the square marquee tool, made a selection, and then apply gaussian blur (make sure your on your layers w/ the design you made) then make a new layer (w/ the square marquee still selected from the last step) and fill it w/ those trendy lines, then blend that layer till it looks good.

hmmm…hope you can understand that. I did’nt go back and read it. so hope it helps…

And…this is my first tutorial!! yea!! (if you wanna call it that)

post what you make! please, I wanna see if my directions work for ya

ok i will try that, thanks@

ok i did 1. the only step i skipped was the color overlay, because
i like my colors as they were.

what you think?:

I kinda like it…this was pretty fun actually. =)

awwww, dam* that looks goooooood UNFLUX. Nice colors. So my tut worked?! awesome. That one is really cool lookin man. Post more!

ok i did mine! a few little tinkers here and ther and it looked great!

UNFLUX looks great!

midipi, VERY NICE as well!! good job guys. Good to see my instructions worked. awesome guys.

hehe i am going to fool around with this…

*Originally posted by GARRETTDESIGN *
**Here is a new photoshop image I did last night that I kinda like. Let me know what you think about it. **

wow, i really like that, keep up the good work.!!!=)

Lalala heres mine

wow that one is cool too xxviii! good job. Everyones is good. Anymo?

yeah that one is soooo much better than mine

Thanks guys, my favorite is definately Garret’s tho… I would make that if I wasn’t tired… mine was just a quickie
dippy, you did good with yours, i can tell by whats left of it, you just drowned out too much light, other than that, the shape and stuff looks cool, i like the “burning edge” thingy

well i used no colour untill i got to the gradient, so that was part of the problem,