Export for Runtime Sharing?

I have an external movie that I want to load on my web page.

The ‘internal MovieClips’ for my ‘external swf’ have the folling LINKAGE settings: “Exported in first frame”.

The reason I have told the movie clips to be exported into the first frame is due to the fact that they will not load if I dont make their linkage settings as such.

Should I use Runtime Sharing?

I have read the flash help file about runtime sharing but do not know exactly what exactly it means & how I should apply it to my online flash web page.

Does anyone know how I can apply this to my site in order for it to become quicker & smoother?

It is a problem because my preloader will not display before the movie is loaded because all my BMP Movie Clips are being exported into the first frame.

Any help or advice would be much appreciated. Whenever you load movies on a web site that are big in size what method of preloading do you use?

Really really need help