Linkage nightmare, whyyy o whyy?

I have these movieclips linked from the library, i dont want them to preload in my main preloader on the first frame, i want to access them at runime and preload them when i attach them to the stage. If i remove the export in first frame property, none of the clips are loaded, this is within a dynamic function
chapter[e] = _root.attachMovie(“chapter”+e+"_mc", “chapter”+e+"_mc", 100*e);

if i can somehow access them either on the second frame or one at a time this would solve my problem…
under publish settings in the actionscript settings there is a class frame exporter, i know i can use this for components but i cant use it for mc:s, can i?

Thanks guys =)

drag all the mcs from library and place them in some corner (outside stage and in different layer) in the “frame” where you want to load them.

you need not give instance names to them.
this will export the mcs only in the frame where you have placed them.

Thanks, but I dont get it… Whats the point of linkage if you have to drag them to the stage in order to preload them…

This is to avoid them missing the preloading part.

Linkage is used for dynamic attaching of mcs (in your case).

Senocular has got good tutorial explaining all these.