Hi all,
I have several SCENES in my FLA file,
Does anyone knows how i can publish EACH of my scene into an individual swf file??
Is this possible? thanks.
Hi all,
I have several SCENES in my FLA file,
Does anyone knows how i can publish EACH of my scene into an individual swf file??
Is this possible? thanks.
It’s impossible. Scenes don’t exist in an swf. I believe they are compiled as frame labels.
Control: Test scene (Shift+Ctrl+Enter)
to publish the scene currently open
The rename the swfs as you need
hmm…wat do u mean by:
Control: Test scene (Shift+Ctrl+Enter)
i tried holding doen ctrl & ALT AND PRESS enter:-
it seems to export that particular scene i want, but the buttons on my page do not work. after i click my button, the MC just flashed a bit but doesnt go to the specific frame i want…
it still stays in the same frame…
tried holding down SHIft & Control and press enter:-
it doesnt work at all…it just still exports the first scene…
I think basically what jsk said should work…
If not, try this… Let’s say that you have three scenes in your Flash movie… Make three additional copys of your Flash movie and name them ‘Scene1.fla’, ‘Scene2.fla’, ‘Scene3.fla’, and do not touch your original copy for the rainy days…
Open up your ‘Scene1.fla’ file into Flash and get rid of scene 2 and scene 3 from the movie and export the SWF file from it…
Open up your ‘Scene2.fla’ file into Flash and get rid of scene 1 and scene 3 from the movie and export the SWF file from it…
Open up your ‘Scene3.fla’ file into Flash and get rid of scene 1 and scene 2 from the movie and export the SWF file from it…
Manual, but it should work… As for the script, you might need some modification depending on how your movie is laid down…
Test scene (Ctrl + Shift +Enter) will publish the scene currently open - i.e. if you want to publish scene three then you have to have that scene open in Flash authoring.
If you want to navigate between separate swfs then you will need to use loadMovie() or loadMovieNum() on your buttons.
hi all,
thanks for all your help!
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