How can you switch between scenes by f.e. pressing a button
I thought of using loadMovie but then I have several .swf files and I’d like everything in 1 swf file
Can anyone help me ?
Thx :player:
when chanign scenes you do not load movies you just change scenes like on click gotoAndPlay “scene name”, “frame number” or something like that i dont member havent used scenes in a loooooooooooong time
Scenes are evil. Go the loadMovie() route.
Well unless you want to force people to download the weight of 7 .swf files full of content they may or may not view :-\
Yeah I thought about using loadMovie but I’d like everything in 1 swf .Is it possible to get everything in 1 swf ?
The reason I want this is because I’m making a
Yeah I thought about using loadMovie but I’d like everything in 1 swf .Is it possible to get everything in 1 swf ?
The reason I want this is because I’m making a game and if you like f.e. mail it to someone, I’d like it to be just 1 swf file.
You fit everything into one movie by using scenes as you said, but that’s inefficient. But if thats what you need to do :-\
You can go to different scenes more effectively by giving the frames frame labels (right click on the frame and open the properties panel) then targeting those frame labels via gotoAndPlay(“frameLabelToGoTo”) (quotes important)
OK I’ll try it
Thx for the advice man :beam:
No problem