Exporting and buttons not working

I’m having a problem exporting flash, where all my buttons, button links, tweens, etc work fine until the 3rd click. No matter which button I click on one, in whatever order, all the button links stop working after the 3rd click. Is there any reason behind this? I’ve coded in Actionscript 3 and exported it in that format, flashplayer 9. I’m using Adobe Flash CS3.

Here’s the link to the .swf file so everyone knows what’s going on. (The large, red blobs aren’t working yet, because I haven’t coded for that yet… just click on any of the buttons in the navigation, and you’ll see my problem after you get to the 3rd click.)

Here’s an example of my code for one of the buttons:


function onCLICKdj(event:MouseEvent):void
dj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onCLICKdj);</lj-cut>

Here’s a direct link to the .fla file.