[color=#4f5044]ok guys tell me how can i use extension manager and how is it helpful…???
be little straight in explanation…thanks a lot[/color]
Hi Tanvi,
Extension Manager is needed to install any components from the site.
When download any component it comes into .mxp format.
Now to use that component in flash what u need to do is open your Extension Manager and the very first ICON on the left side u will find, just
click on that and browse where u downloaded that .mxp (component) from the any URL. The movement it gets installed u can see it will be reflected in your Flash.
Window -> Development Panels -> Components
will show u the list of components.
Thats it
Expanding off of what ashishchandras said, Macromedia has developed all their Studio products to be extendable. This includes not only Flash but Fireworks and dreamweaver too. This means that developers other than those at Macromedia can create extensions that further enhance the capabilities of the product. In Flash these extensions can include components, window panels and even more with MX2004 like commands from the Commands menu and advanced pluggins.
To help ease the pain of extension installation, Macromedia developed the MXP format which is basically a zip file of all the files needed to complete a single extension created by a developer. In addition, it also contains file location information that determines where the files should go in order for the extension to work for whatever program they were developed for. Macromedia’s Extension Manager is the program which will open and read that file information in an MXP and place those files on your hard drive accordingly effectively installing the extension on your computer. So when it comes down to it, the Extension Manager is just an extension installer that installs any MXP file to any of Macromedia’s extendable products. (Its also used by developers to make MXPs as well).
So, do you need it? No. Do you want it? Yes. There are a lot of great free extensions and components out there that use the MXP format to be installed to your Macromedia applications. The only way you can do that is with the Extension Manager.