Hi all,
thanks for ur time
plz help me to how to install flash mx extenstions [ mxp files]
from where can I get Macromedia Extenstion manager for FLASH ?
i never found from macromedia.com ,
plz help me
Nasih dubai
Hi all,
thanks for ur time
plz help me to how to install flash mx extenstions [ mxp files]
from where can I get Macromedia Extenstion manager for FLASH ?
i never found from macromedia.com ,
plz help me
Nasih dubai
Thanks …much Claudio
esp, ur fast response
i was in search of that …now i found
Thank you
Nasih dubai
You’re welcome
Once you have the Extension Manager, you can simply download components etc from the Macromedia site, then the Manager will do all teh hard work for you.
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