External load probs HELP PLEEEEZE

Hey, I’ve been working on dynamic loading. I am surprised I got most working :slight_smile: N E ways, when one of my swfs load, it is totally in the wrong place. I really got no clue why
I’ve uploaded to my site, so maybe you could visualize my dilema. I can paste any code you need that I used in here, just let me know. This is really important to me, if someone could please answer. Here is the link


then click the camera button

What AS did you use to load the swfs ?

I created a movie clip w/ instance contents (like the tut said)

then I used

all the other pages loaded fine, just that one…weird

I can put my fla on my site, and you can d/l it if you want


I also put the main fla there.


I tired to upload the file, but it is to big, so I will just tell you what to do. All you have to do is move the ‘content’ movie clip
(the little white circle) to the right of the ‘greenbox’ because that is where the ‘ext_portfolio’ is loading into. Im pretty sure that should work.

but why are the other swfs loading where they’re supposed to?

do you have the other files? (links & contact)
maybe you have them moved over in those
seperate movie clips??? Can you post a link to the
fla for those…

K, this is weird, but I drew a box around all the “stuff” I wanted to be included on my portfolio page…cuz I thought that for some reason all that was being loaded was just the movie clip that my photo gallery was using. N E ways, that worked! now my pics for my portfolio page are exactly where they’re supposed to be…
EXCEPT that the forward and previous buttons are not even there! What in the world is going on!? I’ll upload again…
There is no prob with the other flas though.


thanx for your help

Also I do notice you have a little arrow animation
pointing at which link the user currently is
veiwing (links, contact or portfolio). They are also
not showing up on your site because they are over
to the left to much (behind the ‘greenbox’,
if you didnt notice that already.

Im no expert at this (if you cant already tell)
but the error seems to be in your 'ext_portfolio’
I narrowed it down to this line of code:

MovieClip.prototype.loadMeter = function() {
var i, l, t;
l = this.photo.getBytesLoaded();
t = this.photo.getBytesTotal();
if (t>0 && t == l) {
this.onEnterFrame = fadeIn;
} else {

Its in the ‘actions4port’ frame near the bottom.
When you take that line of code up I can see the
picture box and the next and prev buttons showwing up in
the correct spot. I know this isnt that helpful, but like I said:
Im new to this too and Im having plenty of my own problems.
Anyway, try it out. Take thatline of code out and you will see everything pop up. Laterz!


I did notice that…however, when the swf loads, it covers it up. I thought that if I put the movie clip (that the swfs load into) on a lower layer than all the other stuff, then the movie clip would load above all other stuff. Guess not. N E ways, what do you say to my portfolio swf prob?

I think you’re missunderstanding. The portfolio swf is fine. I preview in html, and all the buttons work, the pics are there and everything. It’s just when I try to load into my other doc.


I’m almost there holePUNCHED …

Sorry for taking so long, but there were a couple involvements that didn’t allow me to post here … Anyways, here they are.


Thanks alot…I can’t get the portfolio one though.

*Wonders why portfolio file wasn’t uploaded …

Anyways. Try again.