External mcs

Hi, my problem is the following:

I have 2 scenes in my main.swf movie,
in the first scene I load an external swf( test.swf)
In that test.swf I have a mc where I want to have a script , on the last frame, that sends it back to the second scene of my main.swf movie.

Can anyone help?



First create a frame label called “blah” for example in your second scene then apply this action to the MC in your test.swf:[AS]on (release) {


I just recently had a problem that stemmed from something that might actually help you.

Some one esle can correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe if you put:


you should be okay even though you are refering to it in a separate swf.

The logic, I believe, is that the _root gets ref’ed because the main.swf is the _root running the test.swf inside itself.

I discovered this because I had copied a preloader from another project to place in my “test.swf” and it kept going to my main.swf frame 3 cause I had forgotten to change the _root to a this!

Let me know if you need more help.


Thank you very much foor your help !

I am sorry .i realised that it was a bit of a stupid question…

No question is stupid here…did my method work for you?


yes that worked fine!