i have a main swf file, and in that file on a particular keyframe i have in-putted a load movie command, which loads a swf file from my web directory into a blank movie clip.
There is no problem up to this point, only when i input a preloader to this external swf on my web directory it does nothing and just shows me the preloader without following the animation!
basically is it possible to have external flash file preloading within the main swf file?
You could use both methods: adding the preloader on the external swf or inside the main swf.
Now, if you have chosen the 1st option and the preloader didnt work, it might be a path problem. Did you define the variables for the preloader(on the external swf) using _root?
Yea, the same thing happened to me. I think it’s because in the preloader, there is an action somewhere : _root.play. Root targets that maintimeline in the preloaders case…so its like the movie loaded is just a movie clip, take off the _root.play and put just play(); - Well…that was a wild guess. Try it. You never now.