I have a question about a simple application I’m trying to create with flash.
First off, the app uses thumbnails of pictures. These thumbnails can be dragged and dropped onto a big movieclip, which then loads the external .jpg into itself. These thumbnails also have captions which get loaded into a dynamic textbox (instance name “txt_hint”)
I have a movieclip (instance name “mc_viewer”), which functions as a hitarea for the draggable thumbnails and also as a container for the external photo’s.
I have some code on the thumbnails:
(Example of one thumbnail)
this.foto_naam = "foto3.jpg";
this.hint_text = "Skyline...";
this.original_x = this._x;
this.original_y = this._y;
this.onPress = function()
this.onRollOver = function()
_root.txt_hint.text = this.hint_text;
this.onRollOut = function()
_root.txt_hint.text = "";
this.onRelease = function()
if (this.hitTest(_root.mc_viewer))
_root.mc_viewer._width = 400;
this._x = original_x;
this._y = original_y;
So when I drag a thumbnail onto that mc_viewer movieclip, the external file gets loaded and the thumbnail will automatically reset to its original location.
Now the problem is that I want these external .jpg files to resize automatically when they are loaded. I want the width to be 400 pixels. The example I’m using here is working, but only one bug exists. The first time I drag and drop a thumbnail into the mc_viewer movieclip, it doesn’t get resized. After that first time everything works how it’s supposed to work.
How can I kill that nasty bug?
Thnx in advance,
P.S. If this doesn’t make any sense… I can post a zip file with all of the stuff (.fla, .jpg) in there.