External SWF preloader (problem with vid before load)

I have a external swf preloader that Im using to preload external swfs and play them when they are complely loaded… It works but it doesnt… First let me explain how Im using it.

This external preloaded is a movieclip within a movieclip and is being used on stage from inside another movieclip which I think is possible it just makes a little bit more to code. But when you click on a button to start a video that bar appears with the percentage but only the bar moves and the percentage number doesnt work. Then the movie plays without the bar being loaded all the way. Its almost like the loadbar is just a overlay on top of the video and its not really controlling it at all…

heres the code that Im using for the loadbar and percentage indicator inside it movie clip instance “text” inside of the movieclip “videosclip”.

 onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
 if (dummy == 1) {
  _root.clipvideos.text._alpha += 10;
 loaded = _root.clipvideos.clip.getBytesLoaded();
 total = _root.clipvideos.clip.getBytesTotal();
 num = int(perc)+"%";
 perc = (loaded/total)*200;
 bar._width = perc;
 if (loaded == total && dummy == 1) {
  _root.clipvideos.text._alpha = 0;
  _root.now = 1;
  // trace("dja");

and here is the code from one of the buttons inside the “videosclip” movieclip
this is one of the buttons that loads a video into my empty clip

 on (release) {
 _root.clipvideos.clip._alpha = 100;
 now = 0;
 _root.clipvideos.text.dummy = 1;

so anyone have any ideas what Ive missed?