ExternalInterface.call problem

Hey there,

Sorry if I’m violating protocol by double-posting but I erred and posted this in the wrong forum to start. Anyway…

I’m trying to use a Lightbox effect to load some images with a click on a swf. To do it I’m using the “ExternalInterface.call” command so the AS3 can communicate with the Javascript (where the Lightbox code is).

I found a couple of tutorials that walk through this and, best I can tell, I’m doing it correctly. When I reconstruct what they are doing with just one image, everything is okay. When I take that concept and bring it into a Custom Class I’m using for the larger project, that same syntax is giving me an “1120: Access of Undefined Property…”

Code is below. It’s not too elegant (because I’m not very good at AS, but it works… or at least I know it did because in the lines where I’m trying to use the ExternalInterface call to the lightbox effect, I previously had a URL call and it fucntioned properly)

The relevant lines are about halfway down the page. Can’t figure out what’s wrong here as, like I said, the same code works outside of the Custom Class.

Any help is much appreciated.

	import flash.display.*;
	import flash.display.Stage;
	import flash.events.*;
	import flash.text.*;
	import flash.net.*;
	import caurina.transitions.Tweener;	
	import gs.TweenMax;
	public class LightBoxTest extends MovieClip
		private const RECT_HEIGHT:Number = 25; //(for height at 225)
		private const RECT_WIDTH:Number = 10;
		private const TWEEN_LENGTH:Number = .85;
		private const COLUMN_DELAY:Number = .05;
		//private var mc:Test;
		private var mMask:Sprite;
		private var imageRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("shirts/nippon_shirt_thumb.jpg");
		private var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
		private var link:URLRequest=new URLRequest("http://www.example.com/store");
		//vars to add library itmes to the stage
		private var totalBar_mc:totalBar = new totalBar;
		private var background_mc:Background = new Background;
		private var areaOne_mc:ActionArea = new ActionArea;
		private var areaTwo_mc:ActionArea = new ActionArea;
		private var thumbOver_mc:thumbOver = new thumbOver;
		private var shirtOver_mc:shirtOver = new shirtOver;
		//var for setting if/then for the 2-click button
		private var p:Number = 0;
		public function LightBoxTest()

		private function init()
			addChildAt(background_mc, 0);
			background_mc.x = 0;
			background_mc.y = 0;
			//mc = new imageLoader(); //'imageLoader' was 'Test'
			addChild(imageLoader); //re-revomed "stage." and "At" and "1" (and now it works!)
			imageLoader.x = 0;//starting x position for image
			imageLoader.y = 0;//starting y position for image
			imageLoader.cacheAsBitmap = true;
			//imageLoader.alpha = .5

			addChildAt(totalBar_mc, 2);
			totalBar_mc.x = 130;
			totalBar_mc.y = 212;
			addChildAt(thumbOver_mc, 3);
			thumbOver_mc.x = 87;
			thumbOver_mc.y = 212;
			thumbOver_mc.alpha = 0;

			addChildAt(shirtOver_mc, 3);
			shirtOver_mc.x = 172;
			shirtOver_mc.y = 212;
			shirtOver_mc.alpha = 0;

			addChildAt(areaOne_mc, 5);
			areaOne_mc.x = 87;
			areaOne_mc.y = 212;
			areaOne_mc.alpha = 0;

			addChildAt(areaTwo_mc, 4);
			areaTwo_mc.x = 170;
			areaTwo_mc.y = 212;
			areaTwo_mc.alpha = 0;
			mMask = new Sprite();
			mMask.x = imageLoader.x
			mMask.y = imageLoader.y;
			mMask.cacheAsBitmap = true;
			imageLoader.mask = mMask;
			areaOne_mc.buttonMode = true;
			areaTwo_mc.buttonMode = true;
			addChildAt(imageLoader, 1);
			areaOne_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onInRollOne);
			areaOne_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onOutRollOne);
			areaTwo_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onInRollTwo);
			areaTwo_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onOutRollTwo);
			areaTwo_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick01);
			areaOne_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick02);
		public function onClick01(event:MouseEvent):void
			ExternalInterface.call("Design_Gallery", "/images/britta.jpg", "[caption here]");
		private function onInRollOne(m:MouseEvent):void
			TweenMax.to(thumbOver_mc, .4, {alpha:1, overwrite:true});	
		//I'm separating the button action and the mouse click to get the alpha fade
		private function onClick02(m:MouseEvent)
			if (p == 0){
			//So on mouse click the image fades in
			p = 0;
			//commented out the menu button fade as that was handled above
			//TweenMax.to(thumbOver_mc, .4, {alpha:1, overwrite:true});
			trace("Hooray, it works...");
		private function onOutRollOne(m:MouseEvent)
			TweenMax.to(thumbOver_mc, .4, {alpha:0, overwrite:true});
		private function onInRollTwo(m:MouseEvent)
			TweenMax.to(shirtOver_mc, .4, {alpha:1, overwrite:true});	
		private function onOutRollTwo(m:MouseEvent)
			TweenMax.to(shirtOver_mc, .4, {alpha:0, overwrite:true});
		private function alphaIn(imageLoader)
			//Fade the backround out on rollover
			Tweener.addTween(background_mc, {alpha:.2, time:2});
			//gunners_mc.alpha = .2; (Commented out)
			//line below is probably the culprit as I doubt I'm generating a whole number
			var NUM_ROWS = Math.ceil(imageLoader.height/RECT_HEIGHT);
			var NUM_COLUMNS = Math.ceil(imageLoader.width/RECT_WIDTH);
			for(var i:int = 0; i<NUM_COLUMNS; i++)
					var mCol:Column = new Column(mMask, imageLoader, i, RECT_WIDTH, RECT_HEIGHT);
					//setting the initial fade value
					mCol.fade = 0;
					Tweener.addTween(mCol, {fade:1, time:TWEEN_LENGTH, onUpdate:mCol.drawColumn, delay:i*COLUMN_DELAY, onComplete:finishFunction});
					var finishFunction:Function = function()
						// kill the object
						mCol = null;
		private function alphaOut(imageLoader)
		//Fade the backround back up on roll out
		Tweener.addTween(background_mc, {alpha:1, time:3});
		//gunners_mc.alpha = 1; (Commented out)
		var NUM_ROWS = Math.ceil(imageLoader.height/RECT_HEIGHT);
		var NUM_COLUMNS = Math.ceil(imageLoader.width/RECT_WIDTH)+1;
			//"NUM_COLUMNS -1" was "NUM_COLUMNS" (changed to make it cycle through only 26 times
			for(var i:int = 0; i <NUM_COLUMNS-1; i++)
				var mCol:Column = new Column(mMask, imageLoader, i, RECT_WIDTH, RECT_HEIGHT);
				// setting the initial fade value
				mCol.fade = 1;
				Tweener.addTween(mCol, {fade:0, time:TWEEN_LENGTH, onUpdate:mCol.fadeColumn, delay:i*COLUMN_DELAY, onComplete:finishFunction});
				var finishFunction:Function = function()
					// kill the object
					mCol = null;