I have been using Lightbox with AS2 no problem but my latest project is in AS3, I came on the forum before and asked about this when I was testing the file and I was told to use the externalinterface call, I eventually got this code:
function callJS(event:MouseEvent):void
ExternalInterface.call("flashLightbox", "images/jenson.jpg", "Jenson in Action" );
test_mc.buttonMode = true;
At the time I tested in Safari and it worked so I moved on to something else.
Now the site is complete and I have tested the page in Internet Explorer and the image fails to load I just get an error. With the old AS2 code it did work in IE.
I’ve been looking around and I’ve found some more code but I can’t get this to work in any browser, can one of you guys tell me where I’m going wrong.
The alternative code
This in the HTML file
<script language="JavaScript">
function SWFDelegate(url,width,height,caption) {
var objLink = document.createElement('a');
if(typeof width != 'undefined') {
if(typeof height != 'undefined') {
And the AS
function callJS(event:MouseEvent):void
ExternalInterface.call(“SWFDelegate”,“images/jenson.jpg”,“600”,“398”,“Jenson in Action”);
test_mc.buttonMode = true;
I have the AllowScriptAccess set to always as well.
Any help will be much appreciated !