Externally loading LARGE .swfs

Hi all, I am new to this forum and relatively new to Flash.

Anyway, onto the problem…

I am currently trying to build an online portfolio for my work. Since most of my work is in 3D animation, I will need to display various animated sequences. What I love about Flash is that I can compress my animation files to very small sizes, yet the quality is still superior (far better than .avi or .mov files of comparable file size). I have already gone through the process of converting most of my animations to .swf files using Adobe After Effects 5. These animations range in size from 3mb to 10mb (which is small for animation, but I’m guessing rather large for a typical .swf).

I want to externally load these animations to a predetermined location on the page when the user clicks the corresponding link. I followed the instructions in the “Loading movies into target: Flash MX” section of this tutorial http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/loading.htm, and I was able to load the movie with no difficulty. However, the animation plays at a very slow rate, probably 1/3 of what the true framerate should be. Now, I find this odd because if I open the .swf of that animation directly, it plays perfectly.

Now, in the final product I intend to use preloader bars due to the relatively large size of these files, but would this actually be an issue when I’m loading the 3mb .swf file directly from my hard drive (and not from some server)??

Also, I was trying to figure out a way to include a preloader into the tutorial mentioned above, but have not been able to figure it out (unfortunately I don’t have much programming background). If anyone has an idea of how to do this, or any clues to why the animation plays back in “slow-mo”, it would be much appreciated.
