Extremely strange problem

ok, here it goes: i made a simple flash animation and published it as swf and html. i uploaded both swf and html files to my web page but in it did’nt work, i checked it from different computer in my office wiht several refreshing - nothing. html file loaded but flash animation not. in this point i must say that there was no mistake on swf nor html file and everything was in good order with them. so i sent both files to my friend via e-mail and asked to upload them from his computer to my web page. he did and quess what- it worked. he did not changed nothing in files, just uploaded files received. so i tryied to upload both files from separate locations and from 4 computers the uploaded animation did work and from 2 computers it did not. could someone explain this to me. files were the same, so was ftp program used. it seems like x-files for me…

did you publish in Flash 5 or 6?

the 5 player will not view MX movies… it will only show a white rectangle…
