(F5) How Do I make a "mc" fade in and out?

Im trying to figure out how I can make the intro to my website
fade in, and when the user clicks the button, the intro fades out and the next movie comes in,using actionscript.

would I set the _alpha to 0 on the “mc” and make a conditional that detects the event, causing the “mc” to fade in, and on the button use
on(click) {
goto and play a frame lable;
loadmovie( blah.blah.swf,level1)
Im sort of confused i hope someone can lead in right direction.
Mike a.k.a SKEEN

could you not make a stop function in your title mc and then have a fade out tween after that stop funtion? This way when a user clicks the “next” button you can:


where frtame 254 is the frame where your fade out begins.

Hope this helps.