Hi there.
Im making a preloader and everything seems to go ok, except that i want to show how much percent of the movie
s been loaded (basing on the Bytes not the frames), but i havent find the way to do it, so if you can please help me i would aprecciate.
Note; i made 200 layers, each two has a number from 0 to 1oo,and the actions to check and if not yet go back and check again. An if statement that goes like this
loadpercent = getBytesLoaded()/getBytesTotal()*100;
if (loadpercent != 1) {
gotoAndPlay(2); //on this frame is an action to go back and check//
} else {
gotoAndPlay(3); // on this one it repeats the if statement process but the load percent must be 2, and it shows a 1% on the frame//
Another note: this is not the main loader movie, this is only the movie that has the percent stuff, the main movie has an if statement like this:
On frame 1
loadpercent = getBytesLoaded()/getBytesTotal()*100;
if (loadpercent != 100) {
setProperty(_root.bar, _xscale, loadpercent);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(“Scene 1”, 1);
On frame 2
Please Help!!!