Fade-in & Fade-out at Set Intervals


I have a “main movie” that randomly loads external movies (from 2 arrays) into 2 blank movieclips (target1 & target2)…each target displays the movies for different intervals (18 seconds & 26 seconds, respectively)… & then 2 new random movies are chosen to replace them… & this cycle keeps repeating…

Everything is working just how it should. However, I would like to add to the actionscript so that every new external movie loaded into the “main movie” fades-in, displays in the main movie for it’s set interval, and then fades-out before loading the new random external movie.

All I need help on is writing the fade-in/fade-out part… I really have no clue how I would do this with my current actionscript (which is below), I’ll truly appreciate any help:

function swpt1() {
function swpt2() {
var t1:Array = new Array();
// target one's movies
t1[0] = "movie1.swf";
t1[1] = "movie2.swf";
t1[2] = "movie3.swf";
t1[3] = "movie4.swf";
t1[4] = "movie5.swf";
t1[5] = "movie6.swf";
t1[6] = "movie7.swf";
t1[7] = "movie8.swf";
t1[8] = "movie9.swf";
t1[9] = "movie10.swf";
var t2:Array = new Array();
// target 2's movies
t2[0] = "movie1.swf";
t2[1] = "movie2.swf";
t2[2] = "movie3.swf";
t2[3] = "movie4.swf";
t2[4] = "movie5.swf";
t2[5] = "movie6.swf";
t2[6] = "movie7.swf";
t2[7] = "movie8.swf";
t2[8] = "movie9.swf";
t2[9] = "movie10.swf";
var targ1sInt = setInterval(swpt1, 18000);
var targ2sInt = setInterval(swpt2, 26000);