I recently created a site ( http://grove.ufl.edu/~ufpad ), & I need help with the picture fade on that site.
Here is how the picture portion is set-up: I currently have a main movie with 2 targets (target1 & target2). I then load a random external movie into each target, have it stay on stage for a set amount of time, & then a new random movie is loaded in. This cycle repeats forever. Right now, I just fade-in the picture from the external movie’s own timeline using a transition. But the problem is there is no way to fade-out the movie before a new movie is loaded into it’s place.
Below is the actionscript I use to load the random movies & control their timed intervals (note: the arrays actually have 50 movies, but I reduced it to 4 for simplicity’s sake):
function swpt1() {
function swpt2() {
var t1:Array = new Array();
// target one's movies
t1[0] = "movie1.swf";
t1[1] = "movie2.swf";
t1[2] = "movie3.swf";
t1[3] = "movie4.swf";
var t2:Array = new Array();
// target 2's movies
t2[0] = "movie1.swf";
t2[1] = "movie2.swf";
t2[2] = "movie3.swf";
t2[3] = "movie4.swf";
// target1's interval is 18 seconds and target2's interval is 26 seconds
var targ1sInt = setInterval(swpt1, 18000);
var targ2sInt = setInterval(swpt2, 26000);
What would I add to, or change, in this actionscript to fade-in the movies into each target, and then once their interval ends, have them fade-out before loading the next random movie? If you could, please re-paste this actionscript with the changes in it… I’m not very good when it comes to actionscript