I am studying a actionscript book at the moment and i am trying out some stuff myself but got a little problem.
I wanted to make 2 movieclips that contain a motion tween that zooms in and then zooms out.
I wanted 2 buttons to control those movieclips.
when i would click on button one, mc1 would zoom in.
when i would click on button two then, mc1 zooms out first and then mc2 starts the zoom in.
the mc’s contain 20 frames, both a tween from 1 to 11 and then a tween from 11 to 20. with stop signs on frame 1 and 2 and a framelabel called start on frame 1. both mc’s are copy’s of eithother only the instance names are different.
this is the script that i placed on frame on of scene 1, please let me know what i am doing wrong.
btn1.onPress = function() {
if (mc2="start"){
} else {
btn2.onPress = function() {
if (mc1="start"){
} else {