Fade out current, load in new on Release?

Hello Kirupians,

I hope someone could assist me with this.

Im looking to have background1(an mc). If a button is pressed then the current background fades while background2 fades in. There would be about 5 buttons. So I couldnt just use something like

btnOne.onPress = function() {
     background1._alpha = 100;

btnTwo.onPress = function() {
   background1._alpha = 0;
   background2._alpha = 100;

because what happens if i press btnThree, then btOne, then btnFour then btnTwo.

I think i have the idea right by storing the current bg mc into a var and referencing that.

something like

background1._alpha = 100;
currentBg = background1;

btnTwo.onPress = function() {
     currentBg._alpha = 0;
     background2._alpha = 100;
     currentBg = background2;

btnThree.onPress = function() {
     currentBg._alpha = 0;
     background3._alpha = 100;
     currentBg = background3;

and so on. Im not really sure.

p.s sorry for syntax and functions usage. just trying to get my point across.,