Fading button

hi, im trying something in flash. it goes like this - in the middle of the page it says ‘About’ and if you click on it, the word fades away and then some details appear about the site. ive been trying to make this happen since yesterday but im really new to flash so any help on how to do this would be great, thanks.

so all i want to do is have something so when you click the word ‘about’ it fades away and then brings up some different text.

thanks in advance for any help.

Instead of making it a button, make it into a movie clip and then inside the movieclip you can have it do exactly what you want. For example, draw your button-grapic on stage, select it and hit F8, name it as a movie clip symbol. Double click your new movie clip symbol and a new sub-timeline will appear for you to do what you want. Just use the new timeline like you would the main timeline but this timeline only affects your new symbol.

Some of the more experienced flash-ers can help you with the Actionscript as I’m at home so I can’t look at mine at tell you.

Here’s a look at my buttons that are actually movie-clips:

http://rberry88.home.comcast.net (don’t laugh too hard, its far from finished.)